After Receiving Anesthetic Injection

Key Information and Practices After Receiving Anesthetic Injection"

  1. The specific anesthetic used will have a lasting effect for 2-3 hours after the treatment.
  2. Care should be taken when dealing with a numb mouth. Avoid biting or chewing near the edges of the mouth to test for lip-chewing sensation during the initial 2-3 hours after the anesthetic injection to prevent accidental bites on the lip, tongue, or cheek.
  3. Avoid consuming foods that require chewing while still feeling numb. If necessary, opt for soft foods and chew using untreated side teeth.
  4. If accidental biting occurs on the lip, tongue, or cheek, and it results in a wound with bleeding or swelling, apply gentle pressure with a clean cloth until the bleeding stops. The wound may be sore or numb until the anesthesia wears off. Pain relievers can be taken if necessary.
  5. Avoid sour or spicy foods. Keep the wound clean; there is no need to apply medication to the wound, as it will heal naturally within a week.
  6. Rinse your mouth frequently with a saltwater solution (½ teaspoon of salt mixed with a glass of clean water). This can help speed up the healing process of the wound.

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